But which one is best the next time you fire up the grill? Cover and boil for an hour or till meat is fully cooked in medium heat. Vom unumstrittenen Grillexperten Nr. 1 – das neue Standardwerk zum original amerikanischen Barbecue One of the best ways to celebrate summer is with a rack or two of BBQ pork ribs and some friends. Natürlich gibt es auch hier viele verschiedene Rezepte, die man ausprobieren kann. 1. Enjoy! To ensure we are able to help you as best we can, please include your reference number: Since 1967. When the smoker temp reaches 225 I’ll close one or two of the bottom vents and try to get it to settle in at 250. 2 cloves garlic, mashed. You can even make ribs in the INSTANT POT®.We've gathered a collection of our favorite BBQ rib recipes, perfect for weeknights or weekend parties. Sep 22, 2016 - Cooking with the Weber Q for Australia and New Zealand. Filipino pork ribs recipe. It has several steps that can be used on pork spareribs, country-style ribs, or pretty much any other type of pork rib; simply adjust oven time up for meatier cuts. Place the ribs meat-side down on top of the sugar and honey. Remove the ribs from the aluminum foil1 and place them, meat side up, on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil; discard used foil and liquid. When I selected this particular NY Strip Loin Roast I looked for the one that had the most fat throughout as this fat will render fantastic flavor through the slow smoking process when it renders down. dishes, and both can do wonders for your meat and vegetables. Whats people lookup in this blog: Braised Pork Ribs Recipe Panlasang Pinoy; Braised Spare Ribs Recipe Panlasang Pinoy. Trimmed the spare ribs into St Louis cuts which basically squares them up. Both are equally viable options for making tasty (and healthy!) The creator of goodmorninggloucester.org Lover of all things Gloucester and Cape Ann. Schritt für Schritt zum Grill-Meister Temperatur, Techniken, Timing & Tools. Die GU Weber's Grillbibel Vol.2 liefert das nötige Know-How und 125 neue Rezepte rund um das schönste Hobby der Welt. Für Einsteiger und Profis. Now for the rub. Schwierigkeitsgrad medium. Join Date: 06-23-12. Meanwhile, make the sauce and the mop. One of my fishermen was kind enough to donate some tuna to the cause. 1. The Maverick 732 grate probe is placed and another probe for the internal temp of the tuna. Cut the ribs into portions and serve. Discard water upon boiling. Opened all the vents to try to get everything to caramelize as much as possible. Das beliebte Standardwerk zum Trendthema Räuchern – überarbeitet und neu fotografiert Preheat the oven to 190°C and arrange the ribs on the rack of a roasting pan. Wrapped the butt in a towel and placed it in a cooler to rest for an hour. Der schwedische BBQ-Junkie und Gründer, Inhaber und Caterer des schwedischen Lokals Holy Smoke BBQ lüftet nicht nur die Geheimnisse seiner besten Rezepte und BBQ-Interpretationen, sondern zeigt auch, welche Art von Rauch benötigt wird, ... Währenddessen den Honig mit dem Apfelessig und der Sojasauce verrühren, bis ein gleichmäßiges Gemisch entstanden ist. Gebt die Schale mit den Rippchen nun wieder auf den Gasgrill und lasst sie etwa 2 Stunden dämpfen. The next layer of flavor will be a coating of Montreal steak and chop seasoning. Nephew BJ and BIL Barry as well as The Kimberley’s came over to enjoy some wings and pulled pork. 5:23AM after being on the @webergrills Smokey Mountain Smoker since 9PM as the night and the #Porkbutt is ready to rest. Boil 3/4 kg of pork ribs in water. Fire up the grill and get some ribs going with ribs recipes from My Food and Family! Honig, Tomatenmark und Pflanzenöl etwa in gleichen Teilen miteinander vermengen und mit Salz, Pfeffer, Paprikapulver und Chilipulver würzen, die Koteletts mit dieser Marinade bestreichen und ziehen lassen. Portionen 4 Portionen. Cinder's CTO worked at Lockheed Martin, and programmed Cinder to use the same heating algorithms that ensure satellites don't go adrift from minor atmospheric changes. Gonna spritz her and open the vents a little, temps have settled in at grate level at 250. Angel Hair Pasta with Summer Vegetables and Basil. Du brauchst nur etwas Zeit und einen Grill mit Deckel - und der Klassiker gelingt dir garantiert. This is not difficult at all. For the spice rub: In a small bowl, mix the brown sugar, smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, black pepper and cayenne (if using) to combine. Going out for ten minutes my sweater is completely drenched with wet snow. Both dry rubs and marinades are equally simple—and equally powerful—in transforming whatever you’re preparing. 2:45PM Pull the ribs off the pit and foil them. Das neue Standardwerk zum Trendthema Räuchern mit Grill oder Räucherofen. In our opinion, dry rubs and marinades each deserve their time in the spotlight. For the spice rub: In a small bowl, mix the brown sugar, smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, black pepper and cayenne (if using) to combine. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the rub ingredients. We both love this recipe. Or just throw them on the BBQ. $2.99 cents at Ocean State Job Lot was a good insurance policy for the sensor to stay dry. Spareribs sind nicht umsonst so beliebt! Thai-Style Grilled Pork Skewers (Moo Ping) Recipe Homemade Tacos Al Pastor Recipe. Boil 3/4 kg of pork ribs in water. In a saucepan over low heat on the stove top, melt the butter. What an honor. Der weltweit führende Grill-Experte Jamie Purviance beweist mit über 100 neuen Rezepten zum Thema Burger sein Können. Don’t think I’m going to foil them. You’ve found the right grill, the best steaks for grilling and now you need to deliver the flavor. Once the coals in the chimney are glowing red and the ones on the top are ashed over they are dumped into the center of the charcoal basket in the bottom of the Weber smokey Mountain. How It Works. Preheat a grill (charcoal or gas) to 300˚, with the coals or flames only under one half of the grill. Took the ribs out of the cryovac and gave them a thorough rinse. How to smoke pork ribs using the 3-2-1 Method. 4:10 Std. Anschließen den Knoblauch schälen und fein hacken. Spareribs, Gemüse-Brotsalat, Grillwurst-Salat, rote und grüne Marinade. Update 8:50AM Preheat the grill to medium heat. Next to set up the Weber Smokey Mountain Smoker. I Am a Filipino. The wind is driving the snow sideways . The sauce works superbly with the ribs, but it's also excellent, if you prefer, cooked in exactly the… The tougher the meat—think beef and chicken thighs—the longer you can marinate it, from 12 to 24 hours. A ten hour session! Follow along with this morning’s live Boneless NY Strip Loin Roast Smoke at www.northeastbbq.com. Brush ribs with barbecue sauce, and grill an additional 5 minutes. Placed a upside down espressos can in top of the Smokey Joe then placed a Weber lighter cube on top of that. Pork Adobo Recipe Oven bbq spare ribs braised pork ribs recipe braised pork spare ribs sweet and y spareribs recipe panlasang pinoy meaty recipes. I opened the fuel door and saw quite a bit of charcoal had been used up. Bier, beide Senfsorten, Ketchup und Sojasauce zu einer Marinade verrühren. Set up the charcoal basket with a ring of briquettes and an empty center. Von Zeit zu Zeit wenden und mit der beiseite gestellten Marinade bestreichen. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 184He hands me a syringe so I can inject chickens with marinade to keep them moist; for the same reason, we place a pan of water and chicken broth on the bottom rack. But we're mostly focused on the spareribs, which are cooking with a ... Turn every 10 minutes. Ribs foiled meat side down and back on the smoker. Pulled them out and rested for a half hour. The rub can be used both before and during grilling, but applying it up to an hour before cooking can amp up the flavor. Did not check the lid til 11:06, she’s looking niiiiice. Preheat the oven to 325. Weber – seit über 60 Jahren der Inbegriff des Grillens. This marinade is excellent for London Broil or another favorite steak. Gegen Ende der Grillierzeit mit der abgestreiften Marinade bestreichen. #Porkbutt #bbq #bbqporn #manmeatbbq #ilovegrilling #foodporn #weber #backshoreliving @kfoley41, A post shared by Joey C (@captjoe06) on Sep 16, 2016 at 5:56pm PDT. Smoker at 276- butts hit the Weber Smokey Mountain Smoker at 7:20AM. I marinated pork butt for 3 days. Instructions. grillieren. Deal Alert Saint Louis Ribs At Stop and Shop $2.49lb! 5:23AM after being on the @webergrills Smokey Mountain Smoker since 9PM as the night and the #Porkbutt is ready, #bbq #bbqporn #manmeatbbq #ilovegrilling #foodporn #weber #backshoreliving, A post shared by Joey C (@captjoe06) on Sep 17, 2016 at 2:27am PDT. 25 Min. However, smaller cuts of steak or fish should only be marinated for around an hour. 1/4 tsp. Also added additional skewer of veggies as a side dish. trend blog.cavetools.com. Grilled the skewered pork this evening over charcoal on my Weber. Especially if you’re a Thanksgiving turkey aficionado, you’ve likely come across the word “brine” before. Temps started to climb slowly and at 4:15PM she hit 203 internal. Two hours in and she is developing some nice color- smoker running between 266 and 315. Recipes / Filipino pork ribs recipe (1000+) Stir-Fry Pork Ribs with Pechay, Sweet Potatoes & Potatoes. Hi Leute, hier in diesen Video zeige ich euch, wie ich Spare Ribs mariniere und anschließend im Weber Kugelgrill smoke.Das Rezept für die Memphis Dust Marina. Die perfekten BBQ Spare Ribs . I used Bragg Liquid Aminos as opposed to Soy Sauce. I beat the baby back ribs that I love in the restaurant. Spareribs mit Marinade bestreichen, ca. Natürlich ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen, aber spätestens beim zweiten oder dritten Versuch bekommt . Spareribs auf das heisse Gitter legen, ca. Gegrillte Rippchen auf dem Kugelgrill - Baby Back Ribs & St.Louis Cut. Liegen Rippchen auf dem Rost steht meist eine ganze Schar von hungrigen Menschen wie Zombies um den Grill herum. Lay out four sheets of foil (two per rack). It’s time to challenge yourself at the grill! Add in 1/2 tsp whole black peppercorns and 1 med sized onion. The acid helps make meat more tender while upping the flavor. Für die 40-40-40 Methode braucht man einen Edelstahlbräter und deutlich weniger Geduld als für die 3-2-1er. Dipping my fingers into the drippings all I can say is OMG. Place the pork ribs right on the grill, using tongs to maneuver them into place. Aminos contain about 1/10 the amount of sodium. 16 Minuten. 170 internal and has a nice bark forming. Die Spareribs damit großzügig bestreichen und in ein verschließbares Gefäß geben (oder in Alufolie wickeln). Quality Grill Parts Heavy Duty Stainless GrateThe @WeberGrills Smokey Mountain Smoker and Weber Rib Rack Review, Smoked Bluefin #Tuna On the @WeberGrills Smokey Mountain Smoker, First overnight cook on the @webergrills Smokey Mountain Smoker For Tomorrow’s #RedSox #Yankees Game, Live Smoke- Tuna Steaks On The @WeberGrills Smokey Mountain Smoker, #Porkbutt hits the @webergrills Smokey Mountain Smoker Follow along at www.northeastbbq.com #bbq #bbqporn, This is happening! All month long I’ve been looking forward to the first Patriots playoff game to smoke up some ribs for the crew. Klassiker und neue Kreationen der britischen Küche. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 124... bone-in Pork shoulder (Boston butt), boneless Pork, ground Ribs, baby back Ribs, spareribs Ribs, country-style, ... TouGher CuTs for BarBeCuinG Baby back ribs Shoulder (Boston butt) Spareribs pork Chops MarInaDe 1⁄4 2 1 1 1 11⁄2 cup. Drei Stunden werden die Rippchen geräuchert, zwei Stunden in Alufolie gewickelt und am Schluss nochmal über großer Hitze kurz direkt gegrillt. So I fired up the kettle and put 3/4 chimney of briquettes into the charcoal baskets. Dazu Grillrezepte und Rezepte für Grillmarinade. Und wer fürs Grillen Rezepte sucht, der kommt an Jamie Purviance, der weltweiten Nr. 1 der Grillexperten, natürlich nicht mehr vorbei! Get a taste of Hawaii with this marinade packed with ginger, soy, garlic and even a little ketchup. Smoker has been running between 264 and 300. Recipe Source; 10-Spice Vegetable Soup with Cashew Cream: The Oh She Glows Cookbook: 15-Bean Soup with Sausage: Pressure Cooker Perfection: 15-Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta In a bowl, combine brown sugar, ketchup, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, rum, hot sauce, garlic, mustard, and pepper. How to Make Pork Spare Ribs in the Oven: Season two racks of St. Louis Style Spare Ribs with 2 tsp of salt, concentrating most of it to the meaty side of the racks: Cut the racks into individual ribs by cutting in between the bones: Filipino Style Recipe: Baked hickory smoked baby back ribs is a popular dish in Western and Asian Cuisine.This dish is consists of loin ribs or back ribs marinated in hickory smoked barbecue sauce then baked until tender. Schwein Feurig-pikant marinierte Spareribs. It may take one or two trys to get it all off but this step should not intimidate you. Took about ten minutes just to get the chimney lit. Eine Portion Honig Senf Spareribs. Schwierigkeitsgrad. Im Buch gefunden... 121 Watercress and apple salad, 178 Weber kettle, 135 Wheeled grills, 2–3 White bean(s) cognac, 151 country style, ... 111 marinade, 189 spareribs with, 100 -shallot steak sauce, 194 white, marinade, 189 Wine-Shallot Steak Sauce, ... Preheat your barbecue grill to medium high (about 275 degrees). As long as you’re using a delicious barbecue sauce, the ribs will have great flavor, and be nicely tender. ca. Add the onion and cook for 3 minutes or until the onion has softened. At 9:17PM the Grate temp is 261. 0 Response to "Spare Ribs Recipe Panlasang Pinoy" Post a comment. That’s important for me. Die Spareribs mit der Mischung einpinseln, mehrmals wiederholen. Prepare the barbecue for indirect cooking at very low heat 110 to 120°C. Cutting St. Louis-style spare ribs across the bone into 1-inch portions makes for bite-size servings with lots of crunch. Bust the Loin Roast out of the package and prepare the rub. Why this recipe works: Perfectly cooked ribs are one of my favorite pork dinner recipes and this is the absolute best way to cook them!. The sauce takes about 5 minutes to make and the rest all happens in the oven. Once the membrane is off pat the ribs down with a paper towel to get them dry of any excess moisture from when you washed them. Will pull off at 4:00PM, Cavetools Magnetic Meat Temperature Guide Newly Affixed To the Smoker. I also mixed up a container of a couple of tablespoons of Stubbs BBQ sauce, a couple of ounces of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of tabasco sauce and spritzed the ribs. Letting the tuna marinade in the soy/ginger/sesame/red pepper flake mixture for a couple of hours before smoking them between 175-225 for a couple of hours. The pork is skewered, marinated with special Filipino sauce, and grilled over hot coals that give the Filipino barbeque it’s sweet and smoky flavor that many Filipinos can’t get enough of and makes them come back again and again. 10-25-2021, 01:53 PM. With the incredible amount of Weber fanatics all over the world to be named Weber Griller Of The Week, I’m pretty psyched. 1:20PM She broke out of the stall. 16.50 ab Honeychurch Hall Als auf dem Grundstück von Honeychurch Hall die Leiche des Verkehrsministers entdeckt wird, fällt der Verdacht sofort auf die Bewohner des Anwesens. Follow this morning's live Smoke session at www.northeastbbq.com, A post shared by Joey C (@captjoe06) on Dec 20, 2015 at 3:24am PST. Für all diejenigen, denen die Investition in einen Barrelsmoker sowohl finanziell als auch platztechnisch zu heikel ist, zeigt Grillprofi und Bestsellerautor Ted Aschenbrandt, wie man mit Chips und Chunks in den unterschiedlichsten ... Follow the line of fat that separates the meaty ribs from the much tougher tips at the base of each rack, and cut off the tips. After the ribs have been cooking for 3 to 4 . Wintergrillen heißt der neue Trend, und Jamie Purviance, Grillexperte No. 1, liefert die perfekten Rezepte dafür: Ob saftige T-Bone-Steaks mit Cranberry-Meerrettich-Chutney, würzig-dampfendes Weiße-Bohnen-Stew oder die knusprige ... Chile-Rubbed Rib Eyes with Cilantro-Lime Butter. The snow has stopped, it’s just raw and cold out but the extra lit charcoal has helped the temps on the pit climb. Baked Pork Ribs With Hoisin Barbecue Sauce, ingredients: 4 lb baby back pork ribs, 1 tsp. DAK's Spices are SO flavorful and I do not miss salt anymore! 3. Danach müssen die Spare Ribs alle 30 Minuten mit dem Mop besprüht oder bemalt werden (Achtung: nicht den Rub abwaschen). Outdoor-Profi Carsten Bothe präsentiert gemeinsam mit der innovativen Traditionsfirma Petromax über 60 abwechslungsreiche Rezepte rund um Brot, Aufläufe, Pasteten, Pizza oder Gebäck und zaubert in Kastenform, Feuertopf, Waffel- und ... Couldn’t resist ripping off a hunk of burnt ends. So when I unwrapped it and took an internal temp it only read 110 and  didn’t seem done. Im Buch gefundenRezepte rund um das gelungene Grillgelage Frank Wollweber. 1 1/2 kg Spareribs (Bauchrippe) Salz und Pfeffer aus der Mühle 500 g Zwiebeln 3 EL Öl 300 g Tomatenmark 3 EL Honig 2 EL Rosmarin Chilipulver Aluschale Arbeitsschritte Spareribs ... Preparation. In a mixing bowl, marinate the cut pork with the soy sauce, minced garlic, chopped onions, calamansi juice, ground pepper, sugar, banana catsup and the soda or beer (this tenderizes and adds flavour to the pork barbeque). Die Ribs darin einlegen und mehrere Stunden durchziehen lassen. Don’t want this mornings smoke session to go to hot so we will dump the 12 lit briquettes in the center of the minion method set up of unlit coals in the bottom of our Weber Smokey Mountain Smoker. Seasoning Batch Size. I find if you let it rip and don’t adjust your vents before you hit your target temp the heat can get away from you and it’s easier to get in front of it and slow it down rather than knock it down and have to fiddle with it a whole lot more. If you love soft, fall-off-the-bone ribs, then go for our slow cooker method.But, if you love juicy, tender and crispy ribs with caramelised edges, then this oven ribs method is for you! Preheat a grill (charcoal or gas) to 300˚, with the coals or flames only under one half of the grill. Let’s have a look at some popular ways to cook ribs low and slow. Weiter gehts. It was looking a little dry so I added some warm water to the water pan and spritzed the butts with a mixture of honey, tabasco, apple cider vinegar, worcestershire, and ketchup. Just gonna kick back,  drink a beer and let all that fat render down into succulence. Also spritzed again with the liquid mixture to build flavors and bark. Preparation. How to cook Pork Ribs Barbecue Filipino style in the oven. 1 (2 1/2 to 3 lb.) Ist der erste Schritt erledigt, füllt ihr etwa 1 - 2 l Flüssigkeit (Wasser, Saft, Cola, etc.) Apply liberally on all sides and let the ribs rest for a couple hours. Niedrigere Temperatur und mehr Zeit geht natürlich immer! Salz, Pfeffer und klein gehackten oder gepressten Knoblauch unterrühren. Filipino adobo glazed pork ribs bear food grilled pork belly sdyrecipe kalbi the best korean bbq short rib recipe rasa malaysia pork ribs adobo simple fort food, The best ways to barbecue pork ribs. And thanks to Bill O’Connor from North Shore Kid who called to let me know about the sale at Stop and Shop East Gloucester yesterday. When comparing them to the Char Broil ones they both had nice builds but the Char Broil one had six slots instead of five which would have placed the ribs closer together and if the ribs are leaning up against each other they won’t develop bark where they touch. in die Schwedenschale und deckt die Rippchen mit zwei Lagen Alufolie ab. Turn each rack over. Started the coals on the Performer,  set up the smoker using the minion method with Apple wood chunks and cherry chips. dry sherry. Two hours in I wasn’t satisfied with the color, and the Weber Smokey Mountain had been cruising along at 225. Only five ingredients needed: rack of pork ribs (either baby back or spare ribs), yellow mustard, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, and BBQ sauce. Rubbed down with EVOO and my go-to Paul Prudhomme Blackened magic rub. Prepping the smoker with the @webergrills Charcoal chimney inverted and 12 briquettes inside. Cut a criss-cross pattern in the fat cap to get the rub to penetrate in there and create a nice flavorful bark on top. Mix the rub ingredients. Next piercing the sinewy membrane on the bone side of the ribs and peeled off the membrane. Had to shovel out the smoker but the show must go on. Spare Ribs 30 Minuten in kochendem Wasser blanchieren. However, a brine’s main job is to guarantee juiciness. Achtet darauf, dass ihr die Ränder gut verschließt, sodass kein Wasserdampf entweichen kann. 2 tsp. Ribs mit Rosmarin belegen und grillieren. RIBS IN THE OVEN. Going to sear it and then put it offset to bring internal temp to 125. Die Rippchen in Honig-Senf-Marinade am Griller braten, bis Sie gar sind. This savory ribs recipe comes straight from Buzz… a family friend in Texas who knows just how to create the perfect blend of drool-worthy, sweet and savory, Southern barbecue. Arbeitszeit. Neben der 3-2-Fire Methode gibts noch das 3-2-1-Verfahren, bei dem die Ribs am Ende noch einmal eine Stunde indirekt gegrillt . North Carolina Pulled Pork Marinades, Sauces, Rubs & Salsas Pork Stock Chops Caveman Pork Chops with Poblano Pan-Fry Beef Pastrami Beef Ribs Episode 107: One Good Turn Huli-Huli Spare Ribs Episode 106: Fusion ’Que Pork Loin Reuben Asia Basic Filipino Pork Steak Barbecue Asia Korean Pulled Pork Episode 308: Perfect Hog Pastrami Bacon BLT, Our perfect grilled pork chops, epic smoked pork shoulder, earthy cochinita pibil, and more grilled pork recipes await your grilling pleasure. Price: $6.99 . Next slather a small amount of yellow mustard on the ribs which is used to help adhere the rub to the ribs. Broke out at 1:15PM. Nährwert pro Portion: kcal. Drizzle a couple of tablespoons of Reida Farm Wildflower Honey over the sugar. Für die Mediterrane Spareribs zuerst das Fleisch waschen und mit Küchenkrepp trocken tupfen. Ofen auf 240 Grad vorheizen (Grill oder Oberhitze). Die herzhaften Rippchen eignen sich immer, um bei Freunden und Nachbarn zu Punkten. The tuna is placed with small gaps in between so the smoke can come on up through hitting each piece of tuna. Now we wait for the temps to climb. Only problem was that fitting four slabs of spare ribs on an 18 inch WSM I was going to need to use a rib rack. Marinades blend spices with oil and liquids like vinegar or citrus. In a small saucepan mix the barbecue sauce ingredients. Find out how to create sweet & spicy pork ribs on your Weber BBQ! Im Buch gefunden – Seite 192... 177 Horseradish Whole Grain Mustard Sauce, 155 Loaded Potato with Pulled Pork, 108 Shrimp Tacos with Lime Sauce, 168 spareribs. ... 42 Strip Steak with Horseradish Sauce and Caramelized Onions, 177 Stubb's Pork Marinade Pork Braise, ... After The Sear Place Offset The Coals To Wait Til It Hits 125 Degrees. Der US-amerikanische Grill-Guru Jamie Purviance, Autor der Weber's Grillbibel, verwöhnt uns mit 200 neuen Rezepten zum Grillen mit Gas und Holzkohle: Burger, Wurst, Rind-, Lamm- und Schweinefleisch, Fisch, Gemüse und Früchte - alles ... I planned to cook up four racks of pork ribs for yesterday’s Pats/Texans playoff game. Internal temp 160. You can also play around with marinades, mixing things up with ingredients like honey, mayonnaise, beer and sour cream. Cover with enough water and bring to a boil. To learn how to make a marinade, start with our guide. Bring to a boil over medium heat on the stove, stirring often. Alle Zutaten wie Honig, Ketchup, gepresste Knoblauchzehen, Sambal Oelek, Dijon Senf, Sojasauce, Süß-Saure Chilisauce und Tabasco gründlich verrühren und gegebenfalls nochmals abschmecken - diese Marinade wird dazu verwendet die Rippchen zu bestreichen. ; Although I highly recommend using a smoker grill to cook these ribs, they can also be made in the oven. Spray ribs with apple juice and continue smoking, spraying the ribs with apple juice every 45-60 minutes, until they bend slightly when lifted from one end, about 2-3 hours longer.