The Walking Dead season 10: Dante star delivered last minute shock on Whisperer twist The Walking Dead newcomer Dante (played by Juan Javier Cardenas) appeared in the first episode of season 10 titled 'Lines We Cross' where he took up the role as one of Alexandria's doctors alongside Siddiq (Avi Nash). Surely Alpha would make it a priority to select a Whisperer whose identity wouldn't be exposed by her daughter? In this week's episode of The Walking Dead, "Open Your Eyes," many characters do indeed have their eyes opened.Those revelations had varying resonance for the audience, with one rising above the rest as truly shocking -- and tragic. Sunday's episode of "The Walking Dead" shocked with a major twist from the comics.Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas) is revealed to be a Whisperer who infiltrated the Alexandria community. You can also catch up on the show via NOW TV. The Walking Dead's latest episode unveiled a major twist over the secret identity of one of the characters – but a large number of fans pointed out a possible plot hole. Alpha had previously told the Whisperers she had sacrificed her own daughter in order to gain their trust. The penultimate episode of the first half of The Walking Dead Season 10 ended with a twist when Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas) was forced . Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC. Once it was realized that Siddiq's PTSD storyline was a suitable plotline to adorn with Dante's big Whisperer reveal, the writers started putting all the pieces into place. With the Whisperer dead, Carol's forced to try a new plan: Lydia. Here's a quick summary: we learned about the origins of Dante, the Whisperer spy who was living in Alexandria, posing as a doctor. When Dante and Siddiq first visit Carol's prisoner on Sunday's episode, the Whisperer keeps his attention on Dante. While locked in the cell in Alexandria, Gabriel entered to discuss with Dante why he did what he did. Dante, it turns out, was a Whisperer spy this whole time-something I find incredibly . Maggie agrees and Dante is let go by the Whisperers and rejoins the community. Get a daily selection of our top stories based on your reading preferences. The Walking Dead airs on Mondays at 9pm on FOX in the UK. Add the coloring book to your library 2. Open My Books link on the left menu 3. Press 3 dots button at the corner of the book 4. Select Download, then open in reader and print it! As various plot points and mysteries tick along, fans have started to piece things together and have speculated that . Die Kinder erwartet dort jedoch etwas Schreckliches, und es gibt keinen Weg zurück. Mit seinem Meisterwerk moderner Fantastik entführt uns der mehrfach preisgekrönte Bestsellerautor Joe Hill auf einen unvergesslichen Horrortrip. He does so, presumably, when he hears Carol’s (Melissa McBride) plan to show the captive Lydia. Spoilers ahead for The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7. Dante has shown himself to be somewhat arrogant and vain . With Alpha's daughter Lydia recognising a Whisperer prisoner earlier in the episode, there were questions raised about how she failed to recognise Dante all this time he was living in Alexandria. The Walking Dead season 10: Siddiq found out Dante's Whisperer secret, The Walking Dead season 10: Dante in episode 7, The Walking Dead season 10, episode 7 streaming: How to watch online. But firstly, here are some of the reactions surrounding the 'plot hole': I’m still trying to figure out how Lydia didn’t recognize Dante but knew right away who the prisoner was. Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas) is revealed to be a Whisperer who infiltrated the Alexandria community. As he rocks her to sleep, he starts having a night terror where he hears a combination of Dante's distorted voice and clucking. Owen Pitt ist Buchprüfer. It's eventually revealed that Dante said the phrase to him while forcing him to watch Enid get killed. This article has MAJOR spoilers for Season 10 Episode 7 of The Walking Dead. Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier, James Parks as Captured Whisperer - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC . Where is she? Gabriel, in a fit of grief and rage . Our recap of 'The Walking Dead' Season 10, Episode 7 — 'Open Your Eyes' — reveals why [spoiler] kills [spoiler]. As The Walking Dead season 10 progress. He leaves the task to Dante. Der Aufstieg des Govenors Die Apokalypse: Eine weltweite Plage lässt die Toten wiederauferstehen und Jagd auf Menschenfleisch machen. . And during the winter storm you walked my land. Dante sees the recognition in his eyes and the two fight. Dreissig Jahre hat Karl Marlantes schwer an seiner eigenen Kriegserfahrung, die er in Vietnam machen musste, getragen um sie jetzt mit seinen Lesern zu teilen Alpha calls her out on the lie, saying she knows Michonne and others have gone past the Whisperer border three times. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. It's a perplexing moment on the show because Alpha and the Whisperers simply weren't around during the winter to know that Michonne and the other survivors crossed onto their land. The hit AMC post-apocalyptic drama delivered a shock to fans this week when . Sometime after the blizzard, Dante is sent by Alpha to act as a spy at the Alexandria Safe-Zone. He killed Siddiq when he discovered the truth about Dante. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. This Walking Dead fan doesn't think so. "Please explain the ridiculous idea of Lydia not knowing Dante as a Whisperer but knew . "I think that's actually what starts Siddiq's tremors and flashback in that moment when he's not able to actually perform the surgery.". Die Gemeinschaft der Überlebenden angeführt von dem ehemaligen Polizisten Rick Grimes ist endlich angekommen. However, now we know there's a Whisperer within the community but how is Dante relaying information back to Alpha and the others? More recently, fans were horrified to see Siddiq (Avi Nash) almost kill Rosita (Christian Serratos) following his brutal murder at the hands of secret Whisperer Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas). Dante checks in on Siddiq but he wants to be alone. 'The Walking Dead' Finally Explains What's Going On With Siddiq (RECAP) . Spoilers ahead for The Walking Dead Season 11, Episode 3.Alden is the latest person to feel the wrath of the Reapers.In the Sept. 5 episode of The Walking Dead, he's wounded during a skirmish in . Meanwhile, the captured Whisperer is killed by Dante, who Siddiq soon realises is actually a Whisperer spy. He is a recent member of the Whisperers. All season on The Walking Dead, Siddiq has been having traumatic flashbacks to that harrowing night when he had to watch 10 other people killed and beheaded by Alpha and the Whisperers.And on . Dante’s character goes on an entirely different arc in the AMC horror series. "My daughter doesn't know you," she adds. He also ends up developing a relationship with Hilltop leader Maggie (Lauren Cohan) in the comics. However, he does spend a brief moment of time with Alpha in her camp. A Whisperer spy could be hiding in plain sight within Alexandria. Not you, not like this," Dante says as he strangles Coco's dad to death. He forced Siddiq to watch the beheadings and when Siddiq figures it out Dante strangles him to death. #TheWalkingDead, So, Lydia didn't recognize Dante?#twd #thewalkingdead, @angelakang @ScottMGimple please explain the ridiculous idea of Lydia not knowing Dante as a whisperer but knew who the random guy who walks with the horde! Ein toter Schüler, versteckte Obsessionen und eine Mauer des Schweigens Eine Militärschule in der Nähe von Wien: Ein Schüler wird tot aufgefunden, aber es kann keine Todesursache festgestellt werden. He is described as crude, but hard-working. Spoilers ahead for The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7. alive or dead at this point, or what Dante's next move is going to be. After he gets violently ill and dies, Siddiq realizes Dante poisoned the man with hemlock. In the midseason finale of The Walking Dead, the rest of Alexandria learns about the Whisperer spy and bury a friend. the Whisperer could have been supplied . Claims of a plot hole don't really hold up when you consider that there's simply no way Alpha would send a Whisperer to spy on Alexandria if they would be familiar to Lydia. One thing he doesn’t do in the comic-books, however, is become one of the Whisperers. Alpha's plan to destroy the communities took another deadly turn when Siddiq figured out that Dante is a Whisperer and then, to protect his . READ MORE: The Walking Dead season 10: How does Alpha die in The Walking Dead comics? On the season's sixth episode, Siddiq starts fixating on his daughter's mouth. Gabriel goes into Dante's cell and says sometimes we do get second chances, even if we don't deserve them. 'I am so excited'. But of course he was nothing like his comic . It's implied that Dante knows the water was poisoned and that he helped tamper with the water system somehow to make the community sick. . Dante strangles Siddiq, but once his true identity is revealed and he's imprisoned . The sneak-peek also shows a montage of Dante's actions as a spy for the Whisperers – including being integrated into Alexandria, sabotaging the water filtration system, and suffocating ill Alexandria member Cheryl to death. Dante kills him before he can let anyone know his true identity. He instead becomes a pivotal part of leading the offence against Alpha (Samantha Morton) while at Hilltop. . Nach dem Verlust seiner Familie wird die Frage nach dem Sinn für Polizist Rick Grimes zur Zerreißprobe. 'The Walking Dead' midseason finale recap: Top 5 moments from 'The World Before' include fresh faces and new mysteries . Warning! WARNING: This article contains major spoilers from The Walking Dead season 10. She asks to trade the two for her daughter Lydia (Cassady McClincy). In Open Your Eyes, he ends up poisoning a captured Whisperer to stop him from heading back to the camp. Im Buch gefundenWow DCeditorsare STUPID Ignoring fora minute thatShane is dead why would "Shane”give a shitifthe Whispererssee his face? ... They wouldn't Badguess/ unnamed DC editorguyl Iloved how you addressed the situation With Maggie and Dante I ... The Walking Dead spoilers: A major character death may come on Sunday. After encountering the Whisperers last season, The Walking Dead's current run has been dominated by the ongoing conflict between the good guys and Alpha's forest-dwelling goons, and it's the latter that appears to have the upper hand. However, as Digital Spy points out, questions were soon raised as to how a Whisperer . On Sunday's "Stalker' episode of The Walking Dead, Beta entered inside the walls . Robert Kirkman Nach seinem furiosen Comic-Debüt mit der respektlos witzigen Serie BATTLE POPE wurde Kirkman schnell zu einem der gefragtesten Autoren in der amerikanischen Indie-Comic-Szene. Dante is the first to speak to him saying, "Don't try anything," as if to let him know he's in charge of the situation. The Walking Dead fans rage about Lydia 'plot hole' as she fails to recognise Whisperer agent Dante . The Whisperers are a gang of survivors of the zombie outbreak, serving as the main antagonists of the The Walking Dead comics from Volume 22: A New Beginning to Volume 27: The Whisperer War. Es gibt kein Entkommen! "You've definitely hit on one, focusing on the mouth because that's the only piece of the Whisperer that he could see through the mask," Avi Nash told Insider. In the TV show of the same name, the Whisperers serve as the main antagonists in the second half of Season 9 and the majority of Season 10. Dante plays a decent role in The Walking Dead comics in the final 50 or so issues. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Siddiq lost his life in Episode 7 of AMC's The Walking Dead Season 10. The Walking Dead season 10: Alpha's death sealed as Lydia hatches plan. Therefore, he takes what he feels is a necessary action to prevent it from doing so. "That's three times. THE Walking Dead's show boss has explained all about the secret exchange between Dante and the Whisperer prisoner. The Walking Dead 10x07 Season 10 Episode 7 The Walking Dead S10E07 10x08 TWD 10x07 TWD Season 10 Episode 7Carol pushes boundaries that make Daryl uneasy; Alp. Aaron is able to deduce from the get-go that Gamma is being tasked with getting info out of him. In a shocking twist, The Walking Dead season 10 has Siddiq discover that Dante is secretly a Whisperer, but before he can tell anyone, Dante appears to strangle and kill Siddiq. Azzarello und Risso sind zurück! Amazon meilleures idées cadeaux pour toute la saison Utilisation : Cahier d'activités Pour la détente et la patience Améliorer la coordination des mains et des yeux Favorise la créativité et l'imagination Pour la méditation Réduire ... See Also The 17 . 'The Walking Dead' just pulled off one of its biggest twists in years and it's a testament to how good the show is again Kirsten Acuna Nov. 18, 2019, 2:05 PM Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Twitter . He’s introduced as a rather rude, quick-witted and sarcastic survivor within the community at Hilltop. After throwing up blood on Dante, the feverish Whisperer . The final moments of latest Walking Dead episode will come as a total surprise to many, but season 10 did lay the groundwork for this big reveal. It's suggested that Dante was secretly wandering off to meet up with Alpha and the other Whisperers. Portrayed as a helping hand to Siddiq (Avi Nash) in Alexandria’s infirmary, the pair seemed to be hitting it off – that was until he was unveiled as a secret member of the Whisperers in episode seven, Open Your Eyes. "During the fire, you walked my land. — and it shows on his face before he has a chance to reach for a weapon. The reveal didn't come out of nowhere. Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features? We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. So when I heard that he was going to be introduced into the show I was really excited. #TheWalkingDead. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. The Walking Dead season 10: Dante 'revealed' as secret Whisperer in plot bombshell THE WALKING DEAD is back on screens and Sunday's premiere of episode one marked the beginning of the highly . Lauras Recherchen geraten in eine Sackgasse: Weiß Carmilla womöglich mehr über die verschwundenen Mädchen, als sie zugibt? Und was, wenn Laura plötzlich Gefühle für Carmilla entwickelt? Der Roman zur Kultserie auf YouTube! How The Walking Dead Sneakily Hinted at its Whisperer Spy. Showrunner Angela Kang confirmed to Insider last season that the Whisperers went somewhere South. Dante doesn’t actually appear in The Walking Dead comics until issue number 131. The Walking Dead season 10: Maggie Rhee’s return sealed in spoiler? dead by Dante's hand. THE Walking Dead's show boss has explained all about the secret exchange between Dante and the Whisperer prisoner. The most surprising bit of all this is that Lydia somehow never recognized or was in contact with Dante. Vinyl Figure, The Walking Dead: Daryl Funko Pop! The Walking Dead reveals a Whisperer spy, kills of a big character, and plants the seeds to crumble the Whisperers from the inside out . The Walking Dead recap: The Whisperer War . Dante (played by Juan Javier Cardenas) made his debut in The Walking Dead universe in the very first episode of season 10. The Walking Dead season 10: Will Alpha kill daughter Lydia? It's later revealed on Sunday's episode that Dante was making those noises into Siddiq's ear while he was holding him in place on season nine. While he isn’t swayed to join Alpha in the comics, he does warn against going to war with them – a warning which ultimately goes unheeded. Dante managed to infiltrate Alexandria and kill Siddiq (Avi Nash) while relaying information to Alpha (Samantha Morton). This happened after the doctor realized that his assistant, Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas), was actually a Whisperer who was spying on Alexandria. . The Walking Dead plot hole: Did Negan make a false confession? Alpha's plan to destroy the communities took another deadly turn when Siddiq figured out that Dante is a Whisperer and then, to protect his secret spy status, Dante killed Siddiq on The Walking Dead for deducing his real identity. There's actually a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, which we'll get to later. She recognized their prisoner when they were bringing him in and it was obvious he knew who she was. . Mord, Dekadenz und Geisterbeschwörung: ein Krimi aus dem Wien der Jahrhundertwende und die Vorlage für die BBC-Serie „Vienna Blood“ Wien, Anfang des 20. . Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas) is revealed to be a Whisperer who infiltrated the Alexandria community. Dante playfully calls him out on it by diverting his attention. However, in the midseason finale, Dante finally got his comeuppance at the hands of Gabriel (Seth Gilliam). Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas) is revealed to be a Whisperer who infiltrated the Alexandria community . We eventually learn that Dante was the Whisperer who held Siddiq's eyes open and forced him to watch his friends get slaughtered last season. The Walking Dead: What happened to Bob Stookey in The Walking Dead. Kyle Barnes ist ein Engel! Dem ist sich Reverend Anderson sicher. Nach der Ausbildung durch seinen Vater Simon ist Kyle nun in der Lage, die Dunkelheit aus jedem Menschen, der noch nicht mit ihr verschmolzen ist, zu vertreiben. WARNING: The following article includes spoilers for The Walking Dead Season 10, Episode 8, "The World Before," which aired Sunday on AMC. No one in Alexandria suspected that Dante's doctor character was a Whisperer in disguise. Dante strangles Siddiq and Alexandria is left in mourning at the loss of one of its most important members. Dante Esquivel is an antagonist in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. The Walking Dead's midseason finale also left us with other questions, such as where exactly Michonne and Virgil are headed, and how the currently trapped Whisperer-hunters are going to escape . He served as an antagonist for the first half of Season 10 and the primary antagonist of the episode "Open Your Eyes".